
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Bald He-motions

I tend to chat sometimes with my wife while at work and I have over the past few months collected a large library of images for my 'chat avatar'. I often change them a few times a day depending on my reaction to a conversation or my mood in response to something going on, etc. Which brings me to the sad picture you see with this post. The face belongs to the he-motion called "WEO". I call it a he-motion because I am a guy and as I stated earlier they can be tied to emotions. However the word "WEO" requires further explanation.

#1. The 'Urban-Dictionairy' describes WEO to mean "Yes it's me". However it is the second meaning that originated from a movie and developed by my wife into a common word in our home and with all her online friends, which brings us to

#2. Weo: The term used to describe a sense of sadness, depression, tiredness, or all around unhappy mood.

I often find that when I include the baby weo face in chat it often helps to turn a weo mood into a smile. The picture change often accompanys the saying "This weo is for you".

*Yes I know the baby isn't bald, not all of my avatars are, you will just have to forgive me!*


Blogger JustaDiva said...

weooooooo I am so full !
good post honey heheh but u failed to mention that WEO came from the movie KUNG POW ENTER THE FIRST and the stupid girl LING in the movie would make this noise when she would cry... it grated on my nerves sooo much I just had to use it the rest of my adult life.

11:04 AM  
Blogger Debi said...

Weo...kinda like the sound a siren makes in England? WEO WEO WEO WEO!

11:49 AM  
Blogger JustaDiva said...

um your counter has NOT been hit that many times, and neither has Icey... she started on like 200 hehehheheh !!

12:36 PM  
Blogger David said...

Typo Fix: Kung Pow Enter the First (FIST). I couldn't remember the exact name of the movie but I am surprised you did with as much as you disliked it. And Debi, the cool thing about Weo is that it is not tied down to a specific definition, you could say it is open source lingo. You can apply it to anything you like! Including sirens.

3:31 AM  

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