
Thursday, July 28, 2005

Teeth Matter!

I bring you this fine picture today along with a story that should be a lesson to us all.

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About a month ago I was talking with my co-worker Mike on our long car pool of a drive home and he mentioned that he had a missed call from some phone number he did not recognize on his phone. So he called it back to see who it was to find it was the number of the gas station attendant that he had breifly talked to the week before, when she called him at one point. Which leads us to warning sign #1.

Background Note: They knew each other from high school.
#1. If a girl stumbled across a check you wrote at the gas station and calls you up using the phone number she found on it, this is usually a sign of ill tidings.

Ok, so this was all innocent enough. Mike wasn't trying to hook up with her, besides he has a 'model' girlfriend. But he wanted to go into the station when we got back there to go say Hi to her and be nice. No big deal.

I make a comment when he gets done with the short phone call he just made to find out who it was 'again', and I say, "Mike, I wonder if that is the same girl I met a few weeks ago at that place. It was an interesting experience. I remember it well. I got home that evening and told my wife, "Honey I was at the gas station and there was this cute petite blond behind the counter till I got close and took a look. She smiled and *GAG*, there was more cavity than white teeth showing. The girl hasn't brushed a day in her life I thought.", so I tell this to Mike and he furls up his eyebrows and says, "That might be here, the petite and blond matches, guess I will find out."

I leave the gas station after we got there to get back into our own vehicles and I see Mike going into the station. I go down the road to KFC to pick up some food for the family and as I am ordering I get a call from Mike.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" is all I hear on the phone when I say Hello. It seems I was talking about the same person. Poor Mikey.. he said "Her grill was fine in high school!"... so I guess she stopped brushing when she graduated, go figure.

I told my wife and she created this fine representation picture to present to Mike to be a reminder of a lesson learned.

Teeth, as much as you may say don't matter, they do. So check your grill! (Grill = Teeth if your lingo is a little behind the times).


Blogger JustaDiva said...

hahahah this is a fabulous post!! but you were easy on her when you said sign #1 of ill tidings, I am thinking it is a sign of DESPERATION!!

but we love mikey, he is soooo cute, and has wicked nice teeth... muwhhahahahahaha

6:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHOOOAOOOAOAOWO! was my first reaction... She caught me so off guard, she was so excited to see my all business, that she was smiling ear to ear. I almost flipped out right in front of her. Ever since that happen I never go into the gas station to get anything after work... I run to my car in sweet desperation to get away before she sees me. I hope im not mean, but thats scary.

8:56 AM  
Blogger JustaDiva said...

I BOL!!!
you make a cuter Stig.. RAR

I am sure you crushed her.. shame on you.. (snickers)

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya Stig is a sexy beast. Picked up a bananna hammock the other day. He looks really good in it. You would go milky if you saw it.

9:03 AM  
Blogger David said...

Banana Hammock? /puzzled

9:08 AM  
Blogger JustaDiva said...

if it says bannana IM IN :) and go milky........... OMG ROFL!!

one time I laughed so hard I milked all over the floor


9:15 AM  
Blogger Debi said...


11:18 AM  
Blogger JustaDiva said...

oh noooooooooo hahah I forgot about milk baby!


1:52 PM  

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