
Monday, August 01, 2005

He-Motions "Oh-My-Gosh"




This weeks he-motion find's itself as one of my favorite avatars to use. I find that very often one of those emotions needs expression and little buddy here is a great way to show it.

A good example to use this one would be in respons to, "Honey, I'm pregnant." (See above picture for the he-motion that expresses the way alot of guys react to such news.) Not that I have used this in reaction to such news, but say.... back when I was 17 and found out that my girlfriend at the time was pregnant, I can assure you that my face looked alot like this every morning that I woke up and realized what I had gotten myself into. Maybe one of these days I will tell you all of the story of 'Pam-zilla' *Shudder* (The Ex).

(Side note: I have discontinued the 'Bald Guy of the week' series as I develop this Blog to turn it into what I want it to be. I was going to post about Sean Connery but decided that I had better focus the content in a different direction for now.)


Blogger JustaDiva said...

looks like bucky hehehehe

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"GULP" No honey sure your just not gaining a belly????? WONK WONK WONK

2:11 PM  

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