
Thursday, July 28, 2005

Teeth Matter!

I bring you this fine picture today along with a story that should be a lesson to us all.

 Posted by Picasa

About a month ago I was talking with my co-worker Mike on our long car pool of a drive home and he mentioned that he had a missed call from some phone number he did not recognize on his phone. So he called it back to see who it was to find it was the number of the gas station attendant that he had breifly talked to the week before, when she called him at one point. Which leads us to warning sign #1.

Background Note: They knew each other from high school.
#1. If a girl stumbled across a check you wrote at the gas station and calls you up using the phone number she found on it, this is usually a sign of ill tidings.

Ok, so this was all innocent enough. Mike wasn't trying to hook up with her, besides he has a 'model' girlfriend. But he wanted to go into the station when we got back there to go say Hi to her and be nice. No big deal.

I make a comment when he gets done with the short phone call he just made to find out who it was 'again', and I say, "Mike, I wonder if that is the same girl I met a few weeks ago at that place. It was an interesting experience. I remember it well. I got home that evening and told my wife, "Honey I was at the gas station and there was this cute petite blond behind the counter till I got close and took a look. She smiled and *GAG*, there was more cavity than white teeth showing. The girl hasn't brushed a day in her life I thought.", so I tell this to Mike and he furls up his eyebrows and says, "That might be here, the petite and blond matches, guess I will find out."

I leave the gas station after we got there to get back into our own vehicles and I see Mike going into the station. I go down the road to KFC to pick up some food for the family and as I am ordering I get a call from Mike.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" is all I hear on the phone when I say Hello. It seems I was talking about the same person. Poor Mikey.. he said "Her grill was fine in high school!"... so I guess she stopped brushing when she graduated, go figure.

I told my wife and she created this fine representation picture to present to Mike to be a reminder of a lesson learned.

Teeth, as much as you may say don't matter, they do. So check your grill! (Grill = Teeth if your lingo is a little behind the times).

Monkey Slapper Spotted!

Following is a copy of a conversation just in: Read at your own risk.

Mike says:
haha doing a front spracit flipside bunglo jerky dive caterjuice penetrating monkey slap?
David says:
David says:
joo got skillz
Tisha says:
David says:
mad skillz
Mike says:
Tisha says:
im rofl
Tisha says:
that is blog worthy


You may be wondering what this means. I will have to leave it to your imagination to that my site can keep a PG-13 rating. The comment was soon followed by this.

Tisha says:
im gonna ask debi if she wants a date with a guy that can 'do a front spracit flipside bunglo jerky dive caterjuice penetrating monkey slap'

All I have to say is Mike, you got some skillz bro. *salute*

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Bald He-motions

I tend to chat sometimes with my wife while at work and I have over the past few months collected a large library of images for my 'chat avatar'. I often change them a few times a day depending on my reaction to a conversation or my mood in response to something going on, etc. Which brings me to the sad picture you see with this post. The face belongs to the he-motion called "WEO". I call it a he-motion because I am a guy and as I stated earlier they can be tied to emotions. However the word "WEO" requires further explanation.

#1. The 'Urban-Dictionairy' describes WEO to mean "Yes it's me". However it is the second meaning that originated from a movie and developed by my wife into a common word in our home and with all her online friends, which brings us to

#2. Weo: The term used to describe a sense of sadness, depression, tiredness, or all around unhappy mood.

I often find that when I include the baby weo face in chat it often helps to turn a weo mood into a smile. The picture change often accompanys the saying "This weo is for you".

*Yes I know the baby isn't bald, not all of my avatars are, you will just have to forgive me!*

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Biblical Baldness

I had to share some biblical baldness.
God says there's nothing wrong with Hair Loss:
Leviticus 13:40,41
"When a man has lost his hair and is bald, he is clean. If he has lost his hair from the front of his scalp and has a bald forehead, he is clean."

2 Kings 2:23-24
23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. "Go on up, you baldhead!" they said. "Go on up, you baldhead!"
24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.
I brought these over from Bald Space 1 because.. I like them so much.
*Below is a large kitty praying* Posted by Picasa

Picture Perfect

This is a test of the emergency picture post system. I think I need a better picture of me :( Posted by Picasa

Bald Space has moved

I am moving my original 'Bald Space' from its msn home to its new blogger home. For now this is an experiment to see what options I have and to play around with some settings. I hope to be adding more content to the site and turn it into something that people will enjoy visiting. -David