
Sunday, September 04, 2005


From the makers of F.F.F., which some of you may know about going around the web. I bring you Super Soaked Sunday. This bit of humor comes with an update.

First off, this was inspired by the fact that WE FOUND OUR CAT! She has a new home with some friends/relatives and is in good hands. This was a huge relief that she survived the flood. (We could not take her with us to where we were staying, and we half way expected to get back soon.)

We spent a few hours at the laundromat. My wife says there is still some smell of flood that will not get out but for the most part we were able to salvage about 40% of our clothes. Alot of that was due to two main boxes of adult clothes that did not get wet. They still have some odor but we will have to wash them as well.

Alot of clothes had stains and we had to toss them.

The big bonus out of this was that we took the time and care to go through two boxes of pictures and salvage them the best we could. We threw away about 50% of the pictures that were too damaged. However we are very thankful for the pictures that we could keep. Alot still have damage / soak issues but you can still see them and know what the picture was about and let it bring back the memories it has.

We put about 10 plastic containers into storage of various other items that we were able to hang on to. Some of it still may not be used but we grabbed it just in case.

I want to thank again all those who express there concern for our family in this time. We have a good bit of friends that want to help out in one way or another, we explain that there are many people who are far worse off but we do not say no if they want to help us out. Giving allows you to be a blessing to other people and if you prevent them from giving then you are blocking the blessings they are earning for themselves. This is something we have learned a while back.

We ask no one at any time for aid of any kind. (Other than asking Tisha's Dad to come help us with his truck. THANK YOU BILL! And of course Tisha's brother for providing us a place to live until we can get back on our feet.)

Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers.

To end this I show you the kitty... revealed! Oh the Horror!


Blogger Debi said...

OHMYLANTA! That is so dang funny...you guys...even in the middle of all of your tragedy....you still have a great sense of humor! Love you all!

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:12 PM  

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